Monday, June 15, 2009
Rained out little campers
Josh had a campout in our front yard with 5 of his little friends. They had a great time cooking hotdogs over the campfire and playing games. They slept in two little tents.
Josh, Sasha, and Vonya in one little tent and....

Cleaning, painting, building
Here is a guest room that we are fixing up for guest this summer. It has been used as a junk room for a while. Here Jason is working on getting old windows taken out and new ones put in. Jessica and I painted the room.
Jason sanded the floor and here he is staining it. Only a few things left to do. Jason is building the bed today and I need to make curtains tonight. I have ladies tea and fellowship tonight so we will see what I will have time to do. Two families are coming in on Thurs. and I have been trying to get sheets, pillows, towels and everything ready. We are excited to have people coming ot help.

Kids, Kids, Kids!!!!!
Yesterday afternoon, and evening we had a full house of kids. It has taken the teens a little longer to warm up to us, but there are a few that are starting to come around. Here is a couch full looking at pictures on Jason's computer. They love seeing themselves on the computer. Pray with us that we will be a able to start a youth meeting soon. I think there would be a few that would be interested, because that are starting to come to Sunday school.
They reallly enjoyed playing swap! Pray that we will be able to love them all to the Saviour.

Inside and outside Church.
Last week the older ladies in our church asked to have church outside. It was a warm day and we had more of a breeze outside so we did. That patio sure served us well. We have had Sunday school outside a few times. But yesterday it was raining, so we moved inside.
Actually yesterday was colder. It hasn't really been very hot here yet. But I know it is coming. There were several children who stayed for church. Here Pastor Roman is leading us in singing.

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