Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Around the World?

Jason, my husband, tells me that we have traveled around 22,000 miles since the end of May. I forgot to add this little detail to my last post. But if that is true, we could have traveled all the way around the world and by now. Maybe that is why I am feeling just a bit tired. Yes, I feel like I have been around the world and back. Sometime I will have to figure up how many miles I have traveled with my wonderful man since we have been married. I'm sure we have traveled around the world several times.


Carrie said...

Hmm. Reading how many miles you've traveled this summer makes ME tired. Tired enough to go take a nap.

Janette said...

It was nice to see your family tonight. We will be praying for your family.

~Regina~ said...

It's great to see you and your family. Are you back in the Ukraine yet?

Tim said...

Thanks for starting a blog, it is great to keep up with everybody! I was wondering if you would email me the receipe for the carmel stuff for inside those cookies! I know that you are busy, so whenever you have time is fine. My email address is tb.albertson@gmail.com