The first day of school is an exciting time. Maybe a lot more exciting when your first starting out. But all the same, it is a change from the carefree summer, and a reconnecting with school friends. Our first day of school this year was a just a little different from the norm. Yes, we do home school our two children, Jessica-5th grade and Joshua-kindergarten. We have been on the road since the first of June doing our deputation tour. We travel to different churches across the US telling them what we have done in the past in Ukraine and what we plan on doing as we go back this next month. Since we have been in the van practically all summer our children were getting bored of the games we had, gameboy, and coloring books. Even story books, which they normally love to be read to, was not keeping their interest. So when they begged to start school we decided to go ahead and start. We use A.C.E. curriculum, and our first day of school was
Aug. 19th. We had to leave our home in CO at 4:30am to make to our service that night, so it was a little early. After the children woke up and we had a little breakfast, we started in on our first day of school. That day we ended up traveling 12hrs that day and 10hrs the next. But we have been doing fairly well keeping up with their schooling. Jessica sits in the front seat and Jason helps her when needed. I sit back with Josh,because he needs a lot more help with his schooling. I love working with children, even my own. They are so much fun! I just hope I am saying that at the end of the year. I guess we'll see.
It was so nice to see you a couple of weeks ago. I am excited that you are blogging and can't wait to hear all the fun stories!!
Enjoyed spending some time with your family this weekend. We'll be looking forward to hearing updates on your lives & work in Ukraine. I'm a bit envious of the "fun" & new experiences you will be having while we live in the luxury, but mostly humdrum life here in the Blessed USA. :-)
Hey Joanna, I just discovered your blog via Carrie. I'm looking forward to following your adventures!! :-)
We're looking forward to seeing you in Scammon next week! Be careful. Our prayers are with you.
Bob and Sharlyn
Way to go fellow blogger - very nice start. Can't wait for more. We'll enjoy staying connected and hearing of your journey. God bless you all! We love you, wl
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