Here they made it to the top. Happy hikers even if it is still raining.

These mountains behind Josh are the ones we will be camping in and doing ministry. There are around 100 homes and as far as we know only one family are believers. We hope to do this ministry trip in the end of Aug.

Here is the one family who are believers and has invited us to come and hold services in their home and do VBS for the children of their mountain. Roman and Natasha have four children and live a very simple life. They are excited about some one wanting to come and help them share Christ with their neighbours.

Jason also made contact with a gypsy camp and some Believers that are trying to start a church with them. We hope to have a VBS at the gypsy camp as well. Tomorrow is the first of June and the starts our busy summer. We plan on working around here the first two weeks of June with preparations and remodling. Then on the 22nd of June we head to Nova Odessa with two families that are coming to help with summer ministry. We start our first VBS on the 23rd of June. We will be leading and helping with 7 different VBSs in different towns and villages. Some of those will be in southern Ukraine, 2 near here and 2 western Ukraine. We also will be helping with a youth camp and evangelistic services and outreach ministry. We plan on doing some humanitarian aide also. It was fun letting you in on some of our plans. So will you pray with us that God will direct our steps and give us the strength to do what needs to be done. We are very excited. Keep on line to see more as it happens.