You have not heard from us in a while. So I wanted to try and catch you up on what we have been doing and where in the world we have been. Yes, we are still in Ukraine. But we have been traveling all over as we finished up our summer ministry. My pictures are in backward but here is the run down of what happened in Aug. The last week of Aug 24-28 we were in the mountains in Western Ukraine doing our last VBS for the summer( number five for our team out of seven total). I will share more pictures later and tell some stories, but we camped out in a Christian families back yard. We did ministry with the teens in the evening and VBS in the afternoon. In this mountain range only one family are believers and it was encourageing to see friendships being built with neighbors. It was a neat camp.

The week before that we were camping on a different mountain range and working with gypsies. That was the most challenging VBS of the summer. It was hard, but I am so glad that we did it. When thirteen children come forward to pray, you know that it is worth everything you put in to it! We also fed the children at this camp. Here they are enjoying the watermelon.

Then the 10-15 of Aug we had our youth camp by the Black Sea in southern Ukraine. It was a great camp even though were missed Katrina who was in the US getting her leg fixed. I have a lot of pictures to share with you as soon as i get them all organized. So you can look forward to hearing all about it. Here is one picture for you though. We had 25 campers and two teams. This is just one of the teams. Jeff and Stephannie Appling were the team leaders and Stepon was the translator. Jeff and Tonya Duddek were the leaders of the other team.

We want to thank everyone who has been praying for us this summer. God gave us help and protection all along the way. A week ago we got back home to Osikiva and started right into home school. Here in Ukraine, school always starts on Sept 1st. So we have one week of school done. But things haven't slowed down very much for us yet. Tomorrow we have to get on a train and leave the country to keep our visas legal. If you think about it say a prayer for us. God is helping. We are encouraged, but very tired. So I will catch you up in more detail when I return.
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