At youth camp this year there are a few things that stand out in my mind. You could call them the "highlights of the week" or "my favorite memories". But without a doubt the Wed. night service was a highlight for me and many others. God came in such a special way in the skit and then Vita gave her testimony. There was a special prayer time after the service and 16 teens came forward to repent. One young man came to pray later in the night, so that makes 17 young people getting help at camp. God was so close that night!!! It made it worth all the planning and work just for that one night. These pictures are pretty dark because it was evening.

Here is another picture of that wonderful night. Thank you for everyone who prayed for this camp and the teens.

Another great service was the last service, Fri. night. We had the teens come forward and nail their sins ( written on a paper) to the cross. We told them that they didn't need to take all their sins back home with them. God had forgiven them. It was a very serious time, and some of the teen really
meant what they were doing.

After they all had a chance to nail their sins to the cross, we took them all down and burned them in the camp fire. Praise the Lord we don't have to carry those sins with us any more.

Yes, the skits were great and the night services were a highlight for me. But there were other times in the week that we all felt God's presence near. Like the
early morning worker's prayer meeting. We had prayer together before the teens were
allowed out of their tents. Seriously this prayer meetings gave me the help I needed to make it through the day!
Another thing that was really great was to see the kids try so hard. One of those that did his best was
Vasea. He was the only teen from his village. His Dad didn't give his permission until the very last day, so we didn't know for sure if he would be able to come. But we are so glad that he did. Whenever there wasn't anything else going on, you would find him studying Bible verses or reading his Bible. We were all happy when he
received "Camper of the Year" award (it was a new back pack).

So many memories, and so many things I could tell you about. Like singing around the campfire after the evening service...

The jokes the teens played on each other. The girls took the boys shoes and buried them on the beach. As you can see they were very happy when they finally found them.

Another joke that one camper found when he climbed out in the morning.

I love the memory of the teens on the beach having their quite time with God. Please pray that God's Word will impact their lives.

One thing that most of the workers and teens both agreed on was that everyone like the food.
Nodiea and Aunt
Valya did a great job. It was so good that some of the teens said it was like
restaurant food. Cooking over a campfire in the heat is not an easy job, but they worked hard. Thanks for all your work!!!! ( and the good food)

Over all youth camp 09 was just pretty good. Perfect no, but good and lots of good memories to have for a life time. Thank God for a good youth camp and for you praying for us.
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