I guess we are homebodies, because I really don't remember a time that we ever went to a New Years party. We
usually "celebrate"
by sleeping in the New Year. This year was different. Roman and
Nodiea, our pastor and wife, invited us to a New Years party. Even though we are not big party people, we didn't have a good enough excuse. We didn't figure the need of sleep was a good excuse. So we dressed up and went to the party, at least we thought we were going to a party. I guess something was lost in translation. When we arrived they were having church, and praising God for His help this past year, singing and giving testimonies. Don't get me wrong, I am not against church and praising God, just not exactly what we expected. We did get one thing clear though, there was going to be food. So after praying in the New Year, all the guest headed to the basement for what we understood was snack time. Right and wrong, Yes they did have food, but not snacks, a whole Ukrainian feast. We thought the service or party or what ever it was would end after the fireworks at midnight, Wrong again. They were just getting warmed up. After the huge feast, mashed potatoes, three kinds of meat, endless salads and different kinds of pickles, then sweets, they sat around and talked and the kids started playing games. When we stood up to leave a 3am they asked us why we were going home so early. We were really feeling the need of sleep by this time.
and the next morning we woke up to this.........

Yes, the village children came to bless our house and threw wheat at us, in
every room and on everything they could,
chatting little rhymes all the while. I hurried to find candy, and Jason had fun throwing the candy back at them. Then they stole our kids and headed down the road to "bless" more homes. Our kids had a great time. You should have seen the load of candy and money that Josh came back with. Needless to say, we headed back to bed. So how was your New Year?