I know this post is bragging, but please allow me to
explain why I am so glad that God gave me Jessica as my daughter. And why I feel honored to be her mother. Jessica has been a great kid from day one. Seriously, I thought something was wrong with her when she didn't wake me up at night to be fed. But she was just one of those
baby's that sleep through the night from the first week on. At a very young age, she showed an interest in spiritual things, and of course we did our best to encourage her to " love Jesus with all her heart." She has been more that just a missionary kid ( MK) being dragged along from ministry to ministry. She wanted to go on ministry trips and wanted to help others and wanted kids to know about God. She has been
involved in, not only the work of the ministry but also praying for those we minister to. It is amazing sometimes the questions she comes up with in the Bible study on Tues. nights. One time she told me, "Mom, I want to really know how to pray. Not just say words, but really, really pray."

I guess it was just last week, that I really had that feeling of being honored to be her mother. Our translator,
Artyom, that lives with us, has been praying for his family to know Christ. Well, just last week, his twin brother, Maxim, called and asked
Artyom to pray with him over the phone. Maxim repented, and there was not only joy in heaven, but also here in our home. We were praising the Lord for the "lost coming into the fold", when I saw that Jessica was crying. I went over to her and gave her a hug and then I realized that she was not crying for joy. I
sensed that something was wrong. I tried to get her to talk. She was happy that Maxim had repented and was
a Chrisian now. But what she said hit me hard. She said, "
Artyom has been a Christian only a few months and he has already led someone to the Lord. I have been a Christian for a long time,(she was 7yrs old when she became a Christian) but I haven't led any one to Jesus yet." Then I understood. Yes, she was happy for
Artyom and his brother, but she so badly wanted to lead someone to Christ. Her passion for Christ and for leading others to Him, humbled me. I thought "How worried am I about leading people to Jesus" Maybe we all should ask ourselves, when was the last time we cried because we hadn't led more souls to Jesus. Something to think about.