Had to share this great picture with you. This picture was taken in Siberia in the same area where Jason will be going. Yes, Jason's visa for Siberia came through tonight, so it looks like he really is going. Thanks for praying. He plans on leaving Feb 27
th and returning on March 21st. Please pray that God will go before him and make the way clear. He is planning on taking a pastor friend,
Serga, and a translator, Stephen. God has already been working things out, when our first translator backed out and God provided another, which will be even better. Jason will be encouraging small house churches, giving out Bibles and preaching in remote villages in the Arctic circle. Pray for their safety, as the temperature is suppose to be around -40. He will most
likely be doing some of his traveling by sled. But most of all pray for those that have never heard the Gospel, will hear it and give their hearts to the Lord.
Yay! We're praying for you!
You will be in our prayers.
Dear Ones we keep you in prayer here at Hollinger CHurch weekly. Trip for Jason sounds like an interesting one and we will be keeping travel mercies around you. I will share the March update with the church folks.
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