Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Honored to be her mom
I know this post is bragging, but please allow me to explain why I am so glad that God gave me Jessica as my daughter. And why I feel honored to be her mother. Jessica has been a great kid from day one. Seriously, I thought something was wrong with her when she didn't wake me up at night to be fed. But she was just one of those baby's that sleep through the night from the first week on. At a very young age, she showed an interest in spiritual things, and of course we did our best to encourage her to " love Jesus with all her heart." She has been more that just a missionary kid ( MK) being dragged along from ministry to ministry. She wanted to go on ministry trips and wanted to help others and wanted kids to know about God. She has been involved in, not only the work of the ministry but also praying for those we minister to. It is amazing sometimes the questions she comes up with in the Bible study on Tues. nights. One time she told me, "Mom, I want to really know how to pray. Not just say words, but really, really pray."
I guess it was just last week, that I really had that feeling of being honored to be her mother. Our translator, Artyom, that lives with us, has been praying for his family to know Christ. Well, just last week, his twin brother, Maxim, called and asked Artyom to pray with him over the phone. Maxim repented, and there was not only joy in heaven, but also here in our home. We were praising the Lord for the "lost coming into the fold", when I saw that Jessica was crying. I went over to her and gave her a hug and then I realized that she was not crying for joy. I sensed that something was wrong. I tried to get her to talk. She was happy that Maxim had repented and was a Chrisian now. But what she said hit me hard. She said, " Artyom has been a Christian only a few months and he has already led someone to the Lord. I have been a Christian for a long time,(she was 7yrs old when she became a Christian) but I haven't led any one to Jesus yet." Then I understood. Yes, she was happy for Artyom and his brother, but she so badly wanted to lead someone to Christ. Her passion for Christ and for leading others to Him, humbled me. I thought "How worried am I about leading people to Jesus" Maybe we all should ask ourselves, when was the last time we cried because we hadn't led more souls to Jesus. Something to think about.

So much to be Thankful for!!!!
Thanksgiving is almost here and I wanted to sit down and list a "few" things that I have to be thankful for. God is so good and I want to give Him thanks.
I am THANKFUL .......
1. We are privileged to serve God as missionaries to Ukraine
2. I have a wonderful husband, Jason, and that he still puts up with me and my craziness
3. Josh is reading!!!!! ( he was just reading what I was typing)
4. Jessica has a heart to follow God, and wants to be the best Christian that she can be
5.We have heat in our home( I hate to be cold!!!!)
6. The parents in our village are starting to trust us-- a little
7. We have enough food to share with all our visitors (sometimes up to 10 people at a meal)
8. Our old van is still running and God has helped Jason is find parts or helped him make parts when needed
9. We have Internet and can stay connected with friends and family back home
10. We have so many people praying for us and they even let us know that they are
11. Jason and I both have godly parents that raised us to follow God where ever He leads
12. I have wonderful friends here in Ukraine, that I can work along side of as we minister
13.We all have warm clothes and are ready for the coming snow
14. Our translator's brother repented last week. We are so excited!!!!!
15. Jason is almost done remolding our bathroom. I am looking forward to my first bath in over a year (well if you don't count the sea and river baths this summer)
16.I have friends that not only pray for me, but also with me when I am really down and need God's help
17. My husband has a passion to spread God's Word to those that have never heard
18. My health is better and I can feel that God is helping me
19. We live in a village where my children have friends that live on our street
20.That Jesus died on the cross for my sin, and I can know the joy of forgiveness
What do you have to be thankful for?
I am THANKFUL .......
1. We are privileged to serve God as missionaries to Ukraine
2. I have a wonderful husband, Jason, and that he still puts up with me and my craziness
3. Josh is reading!!!!! ( he was just reading what I was typing)
4. Jessica has a heart to follow God, and wants to be the best Christian that she can be
5.We have heat in our home( I hate to be cold!!!!)
6. The parents in our village are starting to trust us-- a little
7. We have enough food to share with all our visitors (sometimes up to 10 people at a meal)
8. Our old van is still running and God has helped Jason is find parts or helped him make parts when needed
9. We have Internet and can stay connected with friends and family back home
10. We have so many people praying for us and they even let us know that they are
11. Jason and I both have godly parents that raised us to follow God where ever He leads
12. I have wonderful friends here in Ukraine, that I can work along side of as we minister
13.We all have warm clothes and are ready for the coming snow
14. Our translator's brother repented last week. We are so excited!!!!!
15. Jason is almost done remolding our bathroom. I am looking forward to my first bath in over a year (well if you don't count the sea and river baths this summer)
16.I have friends that not only pray for me, but also with me when I am really down and need God's help
17. My husband has a passion to spread God's Word to those that have never heard
18. My health is better and I can feel that God is helping me
19. We live in a village where my children have friends that live on our street
20.That Jesus died on the cross for my sin, and I can know the joy of forgiveness
What do you have to be thankful for?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Friday Night- Youth Night
Since his graduation from high school, in June, Artyom has been living with us and helping with our ministry. He works as a translator, and does great with the children. This summer he received a lot of help spiritually at youth camp. When we were missionaries in Nova Odessa, he used to be a kid who came to our Kid's Club. The Drummonds have been working with him and after graduation we invited him to come and work with us. Since our children's ministry has slowed down a bit in the winter months, Artyom really wanted to do something with the teenagers here in Osikova. He felt like God was putting it on his heart to start a youth group. God has really blessed his efforts and we have between 10 -12 teenagers in our living room every Friday night. Of course I fix them some kind of snacks and they have a time of singing and and playing games.
But the main part of the meeting is the devotional. Sometimes Artyom takes two days in preparation, and planning. He has grown and learned a lot himself with he was preparing his youth night materials. Please keep praying for Artyom as he does his best to lead the youth. Also pray that God will give him the right ideas and that he won't be discouraged. Right now he is on the phone explaining to his family, who are not believers, what he learned in Bible study last night. I know God has plans for this young man. Just pray that we will give him the support that he needs as he grown in Christ.

Big Help from the Mission Helps Team!!!!
Pastor Roman has worked very hard on the church in Kanyazachee. It used to be a log church. But then 9 years ago it was hit by lighting and burned to the ground. Roman and his dear wife Nodiea started all over again and and with the help of family and other Christians, they have built this beautiful church. Once again God's people have stepped up and given much needed help.
I go over to Kanyazachee every Thur. evening and help lead a weekly Kid's Club. Well, we have been in need of Sunday school room and somewhere to work with the kids. We have between 10- 18 kids, in this village,. When the weather is nice, we can do games and crafts outside. But now that we are in the winter months it is getting dark at 4;30pm. and much too cold to do activities outside.
God blessed in a special way and the money came in so we could finish the basement for a fellowship hall and Sunday school room, and a place to children's ministry. Jason loves to work with his hands, and Roman also helps where he can. But a Mission Helps team said that they would love to come and help. And we were thrilled, and so was Roman. The six men, were fast and hard workers and such a blessing. They were able to get done in two weeks, what might have taken Roman and Jason a whole year to do. Thank you guys for coming!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for coming and working so hard.L.to R. Jonathan Lucas, Jeffery Albertson, Jon MacVey, Jarrod Davis, Dave Holderbaum, and Dave Weaver.
They did stuccoing, hanging drywall, electrical, pouring cement, laying tile and more.
Josh even helped one day. I hope he learned a lot by watching,and helping.
Jeffery is helping Jon work on the walls. Jon MacVey came even though he had just hurt his ankle and leg. He did a good job and the leg didn't slow him down too much. Thank the Lord!
I go over to Kanyazachee every Thur. evening and help lead a weekly Kid's Club. Well, we have been in need of Sunday school room and somewhere to work with the kids. We have between 10- 18 kids, in this village,. When the weather is nice, we can do games and crafts outside. But now that we are in the winter months it is getting dark at 4;30pm. and much too cold to do activities outside.

This is what the basement looked like before they started. It was pretty much a mess and only usable as a storage place. The men in the church are encouraged with all the help from the team. And are working hard along side Roman to finish it. The rooms should be ready for ministry soon. Nodiea, Roman's wife, was thanking the Lord today in church for all that had been done. It will be a blessing to her as well, because all the cooking for the church dinners has to be done in her small kitchen. She was just glowing with excitement as she thanked the Lord for the team coming and the church men that have picked up where they left off. Jason was the one who coordinated everything and ran for supplies, and did all the buying. A lot was done in a short time. When we get finished pictures we will post those as well. They are painting and putting up lights and such. Please for the church as the work goes forward.
Trip to the zoo
Over the summer, even though we were gone doing ministry all over Ukraine, we made it a point to be back to Osikova on Sundays to do Sunday school. It was not always easy, but we felt it was worth it to stay connected with the kids and teens here at home. We were learning about the Ten Commandments which takes at least ten weeks. And we gave the kids a challenge to memorize all ten and we would take them to the Zoo. Here is the group of kids and teens that memorized all of the Ten Commandments. It was a cool fall day, but a very fun day. Afterwards we had a picnic in the park. I think the kids thought it was worth it. Kiev has a pretty good zoo if you are ever in the area.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Quick trip
We had to leave the country in Sept. to keep our passports legal. So we had a crazy, fun family trip. We visited three countries and traveled by train, car, bus and taxi van. It was an adventure. We were able to get to Austria, Slovakia, and Czech and back home in 6 days. I love this picture that Jess took of Jason and I. We were row boating on a little lake and found this island. That night we were able to stay in a little tiny cabin by this lake. It was fun to feed the ducks and read stories to the kids.
Here is our globe trotting family. We had to wait for the bus. So we found a little street cafe, and ordered appetiser and some pop. Then I read a book to the kids. So many memories and so thankful that we could do it as a family.

Harvest Sunday
Here in Ukraine, they celebrate thanksgiving in a different way. Each church has what they call Harvest Sunday and they thank God for the good harvest. It is not just a pretty thing to do. It is serious, when most of these people really do get most of what they eat from their gardens. Jason was one of the four men who preached that Sunday. We celebrated this special day with Roman's church in Kanyazachee. Jason's sermon was so good. The best I have ever heard him speak. God really helped. I don't know why he says that he can't preach.
The children had memorized poems and songs for the day.

Taking time for Fall with a busy schedual
Yes, I am fine(if anyone was wondering). I'm sorry to have neglected my blogging friends for so long. Jason and Jessica were gone for almost 3 weeks at the end of Sept and first of Oct. So I was left without a computer. I kept very busy and was ready for them to come back. Just was soon as they returned Jason was busy getting things ready for the Missions Helps building team. The team was here for two weeks and they left last Friday. So that's the brief run down on where I have been and why I haven't been blogging faithfully ( ok, ok no laughing). I just wanted to share a few great pictures that my daughter, Jessica, took while we were on a walk in the forest. Even though we have been soooooooo busy, there are times that I think I will go crazy if I don't get out of the house and take a walk. We had a great time just walking and listening to the leaves crunch under our foot steps. I'll post the other pictures later about our busy month, but for now, just enjoy the fall beauty. Breath in the crisp fall air, and try not to think about the laundry that needs to be folded back home.
Jessica got a camera for her birthday. She used it a lot this summer taking pictures of our ministry. It was fun to watch her taking pictures just for the fun of it. Let me know what you think, but I think the girl has an eye for beauty.
It was raining lightly when we left the house to go walking. But I really needed to get out of the house, so I just brought the umbrella along. Jessica took this picture of me when we were deep in the forest. We started singing and it was great singing in harmony, in two different languages. What fun to hear music go echoing through the woods.

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