This summer has been a full load of ministry, Vacation Bible Schools, youth camp, and just every day missionary life. There are times when all of us ask ourselves why we do what we're doing. And when you are pushed to the limit, and tired beyond words, it is then you need a reason to keep going. This past week's
VBS gave me a reason, actually nine of them. On our forth day of
VBS, which is the day before the picnic, I have set in the program to share the plan of Salvation. We try to share as simple as can be how to repent and follow Jesus, so even the little children can understand. In this picture I am going through the Gospel message, using a Gospel cube, with the children from our village of
Ocikova. Vita was my translator.

Here all of the children are praying, respectfully. Only two children, besides the missionary's kids, are from Christian homes. What a joy to share Jesus, but also what a

Here are those nine reasons I was talking about. These are the children that stepped forward and made a decision to repent and follow Jesus.
Stepon and I talked with them a little after they prayed. Why do we keep doing what we are doing? It is because of children like these that will spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. What can we do about it? We can love them with all that we have in us,and then show them the way to Jesus. Will they all understand and become great Christians
tomorrow? Probably not. But all of us had to start somewhere. And what better place to start than with Jesus.

Please pray for these children and all of the other ones that have made a decision to follow Jesus during this summer's
program. This is what's all about!!!
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