The VBS in Nova Odessa, except for the first day, was held in the court yard. It was much cooler and we had more room to move around. There were around 40 kids total that came to this VBS. Katrina Randolph works with these children and teens every week,as their full time missionary.

Our Bible stories skits were a hit with the children! Jason and Jeff A. (Stepon translating) did a great job telling the story of Noah and ark.

Here Vita, Jeff A. and some of the teen leaders doing a skit about Jesus dying for us.

Dema loves craft time!!! ( Steff A. helping)

Games were so much fun. Jason, Dema, and Stepon on the same team? Now wait a minute.

Capture the flag in the forest, was a great game for the picnic on Sat. They really liked this one!!!

Parachute fun with water ballons thrown in, can it get better than that?

These were the leaders and teen leaders for the Nova Odessa VBS

And here is the whole gang for Nova Odessa. Pray for each of these children who heard the clear message of the Gospel.
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